Get in Touch

Wicklow County Childcare Committee
Suite 5, Block 6
Broomhall Business Park
Co. Wicklow A67 AH39
Telephone: 0404 64455 Email:

How to make a complaint

WCCC welcomes valid complaints particularly if they are likely to result in improved services to our customers.

Q. Who can make a complaint?

A.  Anyone can make a complaint if they feel that:-

  • They have been unfairly treated by WCCC
  • That a service to which they are entitled to is not provided
  • That a service which is being provided is inadequate

Q. How do I make a complaint?

A.  All complaints must be made in writing (e-mail or letter) and must state clearly that a complaint is being made; the basis for that complaint and what follow up action is envisaged as a result of the complaint. You should also state whether you require your complaint to be treated in a strictly confidential manner.

Q. How do I know my complaint is being dealt with?

A.  Your complaint will be acknowledged by WCCC within 3 working days of its receipt stating who is dealing with your complaint and the contact details of that person. A response to your complaint will be issued to you by WCCC within 3 weeks of the receipt of your complaint.  The response will detail the views of WCCC with regard to your complaint and any direct/indirect action that might have occurred as a result of your complaint.

Q.  What if I am not happy with the WCCC response to my complaint?

A.  You can have your response reviewed by the board of WCCC who will review details of complaints and issue a decision on same.

WCCC Concern and Complaint Policy and Procedures about Childcare Providers

(Guide to parents/guardians or anyone concerned about a provision of childcare)

WCCC Complaint Policy

WCCC believes that all parents/guardians are entitled to expect courteous, prompt, and careful attention to their needs and wishes. Therefore, it is the primary responsibility of the WCCC to give a serious and prompt attention to any raised concerns about childcare providers. All complaints and raised concerns will be dealt in a professional and confidential manner.

We anticipate that some concerns/issues may be resolved quickly by an informal approach to the appropriate childcare staff member or directly to the childminder. If this does not achieve the desired outcome or parent/guardian believes the concern is of a more serious nature and would not be resolved in this manner, parent/guardian is advised to follow the steps outlined in filling complaints section of this document.

What is a complaint?

complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction concerning of a service provided by a childcare provider (crèche, preschool, sessional service, afterschool, childminder, etc.).The WCCC is not an enforcement agency. The WCCC cannot act on complaints in matters of Preschool Regulations, admission, fees, staff appointments, promotions, dismissals or similar matters. Complaints containing information about child protection and/or health and safety issues will be referred to the Early Years Inspectorate, Tusla or An Garda Siochana.

The WCCC will act in the following manner when complaint is received about:

Childcare Providers:

Complaints in regards of breach of Preschool Regulations will be referred to the Tusla Early Years Inspector for the area

Early Childhood care and Education (ECCE) Scheme  Participants:

Where the complaint relates to any possible breach of the ECCE contract, the WCCC will take the following steps:

  • A letter explaining the terms of the contract specific to the complaint received will be sent to the childcare provider;
  • The WCCC will inform the relevant section of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and Pobal of the complaint received;

Statutorily Notified Childminder (Tusla/Child and Family Agency):

Complaints will be referred to the Tusla Early Years Inspector for the area.

Other Childminders:

  • WCCC recommend that Childminders as a matter of good practice establish a written contract between both Childminder and parents.



When handling your complaint, the WCCC will:

Treat all your information in confidence to the greatest extent possible and consistent with the public interest and the right to privacy. Complaints information required for reporting and statistical purposes will be made anonymous and all identifiable data will be removed.

  • Treat all your information in confidence to the greatest extent possible and consistent with the public interest and the right to privacy. Complaints information required for reporting and statistical purposes will be made anonymous and all identifiable data will be removed.
  • However, where the screening and /or investigation of the complaint indicates that there is a requirement to disclose some or all of the details of the complaint, e.g. there is evidence of child protection issues that must be reported in accordance with the Children First Guidelines, the complainant will be informed immediately and the information will be directed to the appropriate agency i.e. Tusla or An Garda Siochana.

WCCC Procedures for Filing Complaints

Step 1.
 Make a complaint.

WCCC will accept complaints by e-mail or regular post. A complaint form may be obtained by calling our office at 0404 64455 or downloading from our website.

All complaints must contain details of your grievance:

– Name and contact information of a person submitting the complaint

(the WCCC will not accept anonymous complaints).

– Detailed description of complaint, including dates, times, direct quotes whenever possible, first hand facts and observations, names of persons involved, witnesses if any, etc.

Written complaint must be sent to the County Childcare Manager, WCCC, Suite 5, Block 6, Broomhall Business Park, Rathnew, Co. Wicklow A67AH39 or e-mailed to .

If you do not wish to submit your complaint directly to the County Childcare Committee, please refer your complaint to the Chairperson of Wicklow County Childcare Committee at the above address. Details of the Chairperson and Board Members can be found at:

Step 2. Investigation of your complaint.

The Manager will acknowledge a receipt of your complaint no later than 3 working days after its receipt. The complaint letter will be lodged into our Complaint Book and dealt with in order it came in.

Exception: if complaint contains information about direct danger to the children (health, safety, and/or child protection issues), it will be given priority and dealt with immediately. During this process the WCCC will refer the complaint directly to Tusla (the Child and Family Agency) or local An Garda Síochána in line with Wicklow   Childcare Committee’s Child Protection Policy  – Guidelines for the Protection of Children

Step 3. Response to your complaint.

WCCC will provide you with a written response to your complaint within 15 working days after the start of investigation.

If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, WCCC will inform you how to make a formal complaint about our work.

To download a copy of the Wicklow County Childcare Committee click here – Complaints Policy