A Childminder is a person who singlehandedly minds children in the Childminder’s own home. Childminders are self-employed, agree their own terms, fees and conditions with parents, and are responsible for their own tax and PRSI arrangements.
Childminders offer home-based childcare in their own homes. This care is personal, unique, adaptable and family friendly. Childminders play an important role in supporting families: between 70% – 80% of all childcare in Ireland is carried out by paid and unpaid Childminders. They are valued, recognised and respected by parents and childcare organisations alike.
Certain categories of Childminders come under the Child Care Act (Early Years Services) 2016 Regulations and are legally obliged to notify Tusla that they are providing a Childminding service.
See our Tusla registration guide for more information on how to register and exemptions that may apply.
The CMDG is open to all childminders and covers a wide range of items and equipment that can greatly benefit your childminding services. These include toys, childcare equipment, safety equipment, outdoor toys and play equipment, toys and equipment to support inclusion and equipment for activities to support STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Maths) opportunities in your childminding setting.
Contact us at info@wccc.ie or 0404 64455 for more information.
Grant applications are now closed for 2023.