There’s a lot to know before setting up a new service, so we have included information and links below which we hope you’ll find helpful.
The staff at Wicklow County Childcare are available to provide support and information on:
You can contact any of our development team by calling 0404 64455 or email
Sessional Care
“Sessional pre-school service” means a pre-school service offering a planned programme to pre-school children for a total of not more than 3.5 hours per session. Services covered by the above definition may include preschools, playgroups, crèches, Montessori pre-schools, Naíonraí, registered Childminders or similar services which generally cater for pre-school children in the 0-6 year age bracket.
Part Time Care
“Part – time day care services” means a pre school offering a structured day care service for pre- school children for a total of more than 3.5 hours and less than 5 hours per day and which may not include a sessional pre-school service for pre-school children not attending the part – time day care service. The service must provide the same physical environment, including rest, play and sanitary facilities, as for full day care.
Full Day Care
“Full day care service” means a pre-school offering a structured day care service for pre-school children for more than 5 hours per day and which may include a sessional pre-school service for pre-school children not attending the full day care service. Services such as those currently described as day nurseries and crèches are included in this definition. Where a full day care service also caters for children who do not attend on a full day basis, the adult/child ratio and group size for sessional services should apply.
Childminding Service
A Childminder is a person that looks after not more than 5 pre-school children including their own pre-school children. Childminders who are not statutorily obliged to register should contact the City/County Childcare Committee or the Health Service Executive and avail of the voluntary notification and support system. Overnight Pre-School Overnight preschool service means a service in which pre school children are taken care of for a total of more than 2 hours between the hours of 7pm and 6am, except where the exemptions provided in Section 58 of the Child Care Act 1991 apply.
Drop In
“Pre-school service in a drop-in centre” means a pre-school service offering day care, which is used exclusively on an intermittent basis. Generally for a maximum of one to two hours. Examples of Drop In childcare are frequently found in shopping centres and leisure centres. A person or organisation intending to set up a temporary drop-in childcare service should notify the Health Service Executive 14 days prior to the event.
Parent & Toddler Groups
A group of parents / guardians/ carers and children who come together for supervised play and companionship for their children. Parent & Toddler Groups are not regulated by the Child Care (Pre-School Services) Regulations 2006 and are the responsibility of the parents running the group. The Katherine Howard Foundation is responsible for delivering the Parent & Toddler Group Initiative and supports various groups throughout the country. What We Do – Katharine Howard Foundation
School Age Childcare
A School Age Child is defined as a child who attends a school which teaches the National Curriculum. A service for school going children could include out of school (e.g. summer camp), after school, during term holidays or before school care, where they may have homework supervision, planned activities and a nutritious meal. School Age Childcare is not regulated by the Child Care (Pre-School Services) Regulations 2006.
Private or Community based Childcare
When you are considering what type of childcare service you wish to run you also need to consider if your service will be a private early years service or a community service (not for profit).
A private service may be run by an individual, a partnership or a company. The main income of a private based service is from parent’s fees and may also receive ECCE funding from the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth if they wish to provide the ECCE free preschool scheme.
A Community based service is managed by a voluntary board of management. This type of service supports families who are on lower income or returning to work/education. Parent’s receive reduced fees based on their income. ECCE scheme is also available in community based services.
Types of Business
The primary business types are as follows:
Sole Trader
As a sole trader, your business is owned entirely by you and ultimately succeeds or fails by you. This also means you are entitled to all profit that the business makes. However, the law sees you and your business as one. If the business is declared bankrupt or a customer sues your business, your personal assets are on the line. In the eyes of the law, they’re suing you.
If you wish to use a business name you must register your business name with the Companies Registration Office (CRO). You can also contact Wicklow Enterprise Board.
A partnership is where two or more people agree to run a business together. The partnership agreement should be drawn up by a solicitor and each partner is jointly responsible for running the business and if it fails all partners are jointly responsible for the debt.
Limited Company
A limited company is seen as a separate legal entity. The company must register with the Companies Registration Office. The company reports and accounts must be returned to the CRO annually. If the company gets into debt, creditors only have a claim on the assets of the company.
Market research is essential in creating a sustainable childcare service and it will not only form the basis of your funding/grant applications and your business plan, it will also be important with regard to building considerations and staffing issues. The purpose of conducting market research is to highlight the demand for your childcare service. Identifying a strong demand is essential if your childcare service is to be viable.
You need to be aware of the level of demand for childcare (and type of childcare) in your area, the existing and projected population and the local economic and employment trends in order to develop a high quality, flexible, accessible early years service for children and families. SWOT Analysis
In conducting your market research it can be helpful to carryout a SWOT analysis. A Swot analysis helps you identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of your proposed childcare service. SWOT is a tool of strategic analysis and has two elements: an external analysis of Opportunities and Threats, and an internal analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses. The following are some pointers questions that may help you with your SWOT analysis.
Market Plan
It is very important to prepare a marketing strategy for your childcare service. The following are the key elements that need to be included in your marketing plan.
Generally, planning permission is required for the development of any childcare facility except for the use of a house for childminding. Childminders are defined by the Planning and Development Regulations 2001,S.I.600, as “the activity of minding no more than six* children, (including children of the person minding) in the house of that person for profit of gain”.
* The Pre School Regulations 2016 define a Childminder as minding no more than five preschool children including their own. Policy for the development of childcare facilities in Wicklow is set out in the County and Local Area Development Plan. All Planning Permission applications will be set against this policy and against the Department of Environment and Local Government guidelines. The Childcare Facilities Guidelines for Planning Authorities published by the Dept. of Environment and Local Government (2001) encourage the provision of childcare facilities in appropriate locations including: Residential areas, City and town centres, District and neighbourhood centres and areas of employment.
Information to be generally supplied with the planning application form:
Please note: It is always advisable to consult with Wicklow County Council Planning Department, Chief Fire Officer and the Health Service Executive –Pre School Service Officer prior to submitting a planning application.
Full sets of architect’s plans are needed in order to obtain Planning Permission. For advise on choosing an architect or to locate an architect contact:
The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland,
8 Merrion Square,
Dublin 2,
Tel. + 353 (01) 676 1703
Fax + 353 (01) 661 0948
The Fire Safety Certification Process
Following receipt of Planning Permission for any childcare unit/crèche/preschool, an application must be made for a Fire Safety Certificate. This certificate has to be obtained for the premises & must be obtained before a commencement notice is lodged with the Local Authority. A Fire Safety Certificate is a statement by the Fire Authority stating that the building is constructed in accordance with the submitted plans and documentation, it will meet the requirements of nationally accepted fire safety standards.
To obtain a Fire Safety Certificate
Fill in the application form, which you will obtain from Wicklow County Council. Include two copies of drawings consisting of the Ordnance Survey Extract showing the location of the site, a site layout drawing, floor plans, elevations and sectional views of the proposed building. Include the appropriate fee.
The Fire Safety Officer is obliged to assess your application within 8 weeks of receiving it Wicklow
A business plan is vital for the successful running of any business or community enterprise no matter how big or small. A business plan helps to communicate your intentions for the childcare service and raise finance / grants. It can also act as a useful tool against which further performance can be assessed.
Top tips for preparing a business plan are as follows:
Suggested structure of a business plan
1. Executive Summary
Description of Service
Industry Analysis and Trends
Marketing Plan
Financial Details
Strategic Position
2. Business Description
Short Description of Service
Mission, ethos, business aims and objectives
Details of your competitive edge
3. Organisation Structure and Management Team
Ownership Information
Human Resources
Advisors/ Professional Services
Management Team Profiles
4. Operational Plan
Location Details
Opening Hours
Type of Service Provided
5. Market Research
Details of Demand for your Service
SWOT analysis
6. Marketing Plan
Target Markets
Market Research
Information 4 P’s Information (Product, Place, Price & Product)
7. Funding & Finance
Income Projection
Cash Flow Projection
Projected Balance Sheet
Base figures on realistic expectations
Further Information
Taxation & PRSI
Comprehensive guides in respect of all aspects of business taxation including ‘Starting in Business’ guide can be obtained from your local tax office at (01) 8780100 or the Revenue website
For information on all aspects of PRSI contact: Your local Social Welfare Office Self Employment Section, Social Welfare Services Office, Cork Rd Waterford. Tel (051) 356000 or (01) 704 3000
Department of Social & Family Affairs Website or (01) 7043165.
For information and/or advice on accounting or taxation matters you are advised to contact your accountant. If you do not know of an accountant you can contact one of the following:
Association of Charted Certified Accountants – (01) 4988900
Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Ireland – (01) 6767353
Institute of Charted Accountants in Ireland – (01) 6377200
You will need a solicitor to:
Check out any lease, loan agreement or contact you may be asked to sign
Advise you on relevant legislation
Act as a final step in your credit control process
Act for you if you are being sued
If you do not know a solicitor, contact
The Law Society – (01) 6724800
The financial element of a business plan is fundamental and the backbone of any plan. Projected financial statements will be included in this section, which represent what your business will look like in the future based on a set of assumptions. Financial Plans normally show the projected income and expenditure over a specified period 3 – 5 years.
In order to be successful in securing grants, funding or loans, the most important documentation will be your projected budget with its breakdown of estimated income and expenditure. It is also very important to write up a complete budget so that you can see what is required for your childcare service to be financially viable.
Balance Sheet
It is important to include a balance sheet when preparing your financial plan.
Fees must be high enough to ensure that the service is sustainable and at the same time affordable to the local community. Community Childcare Services may need to source additional grants, as often income from fees is not sufficient to cover all overheads. The following factors should be considered when deciding the cost of the service (fees):
Tiered Payment Structures
The purpose of a tiered payment system is to make childcare more accessible. The payment system aims to allow all families to avail of childcare in their community irrespective of their financial / personal circumstances. The fee structure will be influenced by the circumstances of the service and the financial capacity of the families who are availing of it.
Expenditure might be broken down into the following headings:
For further advice on how to produce a budget contact Wicklow County Enterprise Board to talk to one of their business support advisors.
When setting up a new business it is important to consider all the various finance options available to you. You can investigate the possibility of trying to secure a bank loan, which would involve preparing a thoroughly researched business plan with realistic facts and figures, to support your application. You could also explore the various government funding schemes that are available to the childcare sector.
Applying for a bank loan
If you want to investigate the possibility of developing your business via bank finance you will need to make sure that you are well prepared and have a thoroughly researched business plan with realistic facts and figures to persuade the relationship manager that you have targeted a viable market. You will also need to provide evidence that you have the ability to generate enough capital to pay back the loan. It works in your favour if you are willing to invest in the business yourself, as it shows the extent of your confidence in the venture
Funding Schemes from the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
The Early Childhood Care and Education Scheme (ECCE)
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) pays a capitation fee to participating early years services. In return, they provide a pre-school service free of charge to all children within the qualifying age range for a set number of hours over a set period of weeks. To attain this funding the DCEDIY set out criteria that must be met by the service.
For further information on the ECCE scheme click here.
National Childcare Scheme
Under the National Childcare Scheme, subsidies are available for families with children aged between 24 weeks and 15 years who are attending any participating Tusla registered childcare service, including any Tusla registered Childminder and school age childcare services.
The Universal Subsidy
This subsidy was introduced in 2017 to support parents of children ages 6 months to 3 years of age.
The subsidy is not means tested and is available to families with children in Tusla registered childcare (community or private services).
The weekly subsidy amount is based on the type of childcare you need.
See the National Childcare Scheme
Community Childcare Subvention Plus (CCSP) Saver Programme
The Community Childcare Subvention Plus (CCSP ) The National Childcare Scheme (NCS) went live on the 20th November 2020 and replaces the previous targeted childcare programmes and for this reason, no new registrations can be made under the CCSP Saver Programme for children who have not been previously registered on CCSP 2019/2020.
However if your child was already registered on one of the following CCSP programmes on the 15th November 2019, prior to the launch of NCS, the parent may choose to continue on this programme for the programme year 2020-21 or until the subvention ceases. For parents who retain registrations under any of the below Saver Programmes, they are referred to as ‘Savers’.
The Community Childcare Subvention Plus (CCSP) Saver Programme provides support for eligible parents/guardians on a low income to avail of reduced cost childcare costs at participating childcare services during the 2020/2021 programme year.
Useful websites:
Department of Children Equality Disability Integration & Youth
For more information on the childcare regulation please see the links provided –
Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Service) Regulations 2016
Tusla Frequently Asked Questions
Policies and Procedures
A Policies and Procedures manual will provide important information to your staff and parents of the children in your care on how the service works, what is acceptable and what is not – how you will respond to various situations and what roles all those involved will perform. A carefully thought out Policies and Procedures manual will contribute greatly to the quality of the service you provide and is vital to the efficient running of your business.
It is important to consult with parents and staff in the development of your Policies and Procedures and to ensure that Policies and Procedures are implemented and reviewed regularly.
Planning your Environment
Universal Design is the design and composition of an environment so that it can be accessed, understood and used to the greatest extent possible by all people, regardless of their age, size, ability or disability.
On 10th June 2019, the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone, launched the Universal Design Guidelines for Early Learning and Care Settings. These guidelines are an important step in making all Early Learning and Care services accessible to all children. This publication offers guidance on the refurbishment, renovation and building of centres for Early Learning and Care in Ireland.
The work was undertaken by Early Childhood Ireland and Trinity Haus (Trinity College Dublin) on behalf of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and the Centre for Excellence in Universal Design at the National Disability Authority.
These guidelines set out the key Universal Design considerations and guidance for Early Learning and Care (ELC) settings in Ireland. The guidelines apply to both new-build and retrofit projects and provide a flexible Universal Design framework to ensure that settings are accessible, understandable and easy to use for all children, staff, families and visitors.
The guidelines will be equally useful for small, medium and large settings and are flexible enough to apply to retrofit or minor work to existing settings, or to guide major redevelopments or new-build projects. A literature review and self audit tool are also available to allow services to begin the process of assessing the improvements they may want to make.
The Universal Design Guidelines for Early Learning and Care Settings can be accessed via the links below:
Universal Design Guidelines – Access and Inclusion Model (