A garden designed by children for the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth has won three prestigious awards for its ‘First 5 Garden of Wonder and Discovery’ at this year’s Bord Bia Bloom Festival. The Garden achieved overall ‘Gold Medal’, ‘Best in Category – Large Garden’ and ‘Best Planting’.

The purpose of the garden is to promote the importance of outdoor play for a child’s learning and development, and show the wonderful benefits of consulting young children on matters affecting them.

Minister Roderic O’Gorman said:

“I would like to congratulate garden designers Oliver and Liat Schurmann and the 20 pre-school children from Creative Kids & Co in Walkinstown who worked together on the design of this garden.

The garden they created is a natural and untouched woodland and it shows that children are the real experts in their own lives.”

First 5 is the whole-of-Government strategy to improve the lives of babies, young children and their families.

Read full press release at: https://bit.ly/45Tbzzp