Parent & Toddler Groups

This is a group that welcomes parents, grandparents and carers of children to meet with other people in a setting e.g. community hall, sports hall, parish hall etc. on a weekly basis.  Carers can meet up have a chat, discuss how their week has gone for them while their children can socialise with other children of the same age and take part in set activities.

A Parent and Toddler Group is a group that welcomes parents, grandparents and carers of children to meet with other people in a setting e.g. community hall, sports hall, parish hall etc. on a weekly basis.  Carers can meet up have a chat, discuss how their week has gone for them while their children can socialise with other children of the same age and take part in set activities e.g. painting, singing rhymes, story time, play dough.

All children are cared for by the adult that attends with them.  There are many benefits for parents and children participating in P&T Groups i.e. building new friendships, support systems and children develop their social skills.

These groups generally meet once or twice a week, where both parents and toddlers enjoy shared activities including, songs, games, arts and crafts etc. If you are interested in getting involved in a Parent and Toddler Group a list of local groups can be viewed here.

Parent & Toddler Group Grant Initiative

Parent & Toddler Group Grants are funded under the Office of the Minister for Children’s Parent and Toddler Group Initiative and administered through Childcare Committees.

The Parent and Toddler Grant Scheme is run on an annual basis and application forms will be sent to all Parent and Toddler groups notified to WCCC.

Applications are now closed for the 2024 Grant

To notify a new Parent and Toddler Group, please contact Jane on 0404 64455.