The Department of Children Equality Diversity Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) is pleased to announce that applications are now open for the 2021 Capital programme.
Applications will be open from January 29th – February 19th 2021. Applications cannot be submitted outside this application window. All applications must be submitted on the HIVE.
There is €8.3 million in funding available under this grant to support childcare services to become compliant with Fire Safety Regulations and Standards.
Applications are open for amounts between €1000 and €10,000 to contribute to the costs of works or the purchase of equipment required by a service to receive a Fire Safety Certificate. This certificate is a mandatory requirement of the statutory regulation process undertaken by Tusla, the independent regulator of the sector.
To be eligible for funding, works must be identified as being required in a fire safety assessment report which has been completed since June 2019 by a competent person. The fire safety assessment must be provided with the application for funding.
The eligible competent persons are as follows:
A Registered Architect
A Building surveyor
An Engineer.
If you do not have a Fire Safety Certificate and intend to apply for a grant under the 2021 Capital Programme, please ensure that you have obtained a fire safety assessment before the closing date of the application window or your application will not be eligible.
The fire safety assessment may be dated at any time after 1 June 2019 – although, if material works have been carried out in your service since the fire safety assessment was obtained, you will have to provide an updated assessment.
For further information on the programme rules and how to apply for this grant please read the Applicant Guidelines and the Technical Guidelines.