Core Funding Quality Action Plan Report 
As we are reaching the end of the 2022/2023 programme year those services who are signed up to Core Funding are required to complete their QAP Report.  Wicklow CCC will be sending out a MS Forms link by email to services in the coming days to complete the Report.  This form should only take a few minutes to complete and will give you an opportunity to give feedback on the QAP process for the first year.   There will also be the opportunity for some services to attend face to face consultations on the process in the coming weeks also.  If you have any queries with regard to completing the online form please contact the Development Officer for your area or call 0404 64455.

AIM Review and Confirm Now Open

The issues identified last week, which affected the new AIM Review and Confirm (former second year extension) process, have been resolved. Services may now complete