The Pobal Compliance team will conduct unannounced visits as per normal procedure over the summer months to ELC/SAC services whose calendars indicate that they are operational during the summer.
Services operating during the summer should ensure that all records relating to all programmes are available for review during such visits. This includes records for programmes that are paused over the summer months (e.g. ECCE). Records that should be available for inspection include all Roll Books /Attendance Records, Fee Records, Parent Statements etc.
Outcome notifications for compliance inspections carried out during the last weeks of term may issue to services during the summer closure period. All instances of non-compliance now require some form of rectification action within a timeline set out in the compliance report notified to service providers e.g. submit a declaration of compliance, submit documentary evidence. Please note that if the deadline for taking the requisite rectification action falls during a service’s summer closure period, Compliance will allow the service provider to take their rectification actions within 30 working days of their 2024/25 calendar.
The individual NCS, ECCE and CCSP Saver Programme Compliance Checklists 2023/2024 are available under the Compliance headings of the Programme Documents section of the Early Years Hive. These Checklists will assist in collating the relevant information that form part of each programme’s compliance checks.